Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment.Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the natural environment on individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both the environment and humans. The current environmental problems are  like pollution,global warming, over population, Natural Resource Depletion, urban sprawl, waste disposal,Deforestation,Ocean Acidification, Ozone Layer Depletion,Genetic Engineering,Public Health Issues,Water Pollution,Acid Rain, Climate Change, Loss of Biodiversity are the major environmental issues our planet is facing. The carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gases  in the atmosphere has already exceeded 400 parts per million . This level is considered a tipping point. "The amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is already above the threshold that can potentially cause dangerous climate change.

Over the last few decades, the exploitation of our planet and degradation of our environment have  gone up at an alarming rate. As our actions have been not in favor of protecting this planet, we have seen natural disasters striking us more often in the form of flash floods, tsunamis and cyclones.

Climate disasters are on the rise. Around 70 percent of disasters are now climate related – up from around 50 percent from two decades ago.These disasters take a heavier human toll and come with a higher price tag. In the last decade, 2.4 billion people were affected by climate related disasters, compared to 1.7 billion in the previous decade. The cost of responding to disasters has risen tenfold between 1992 and 2008.